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When you have money in your wallet or purse you don’t have to check on it every fifteen minutes to make sure it’s there.  You know it’s there, don’t you?  Or how about when you have money in your bank?  Do you check constantly to make sure it is there?  No…you know it is right there when you need it.

Every thought is like making a deposit in your account and when you ‘let go’ of that thought and leave it alone then interest will build.  The more ‘thought money’ you have the more interest you gain and then one day you have an account that overflows with more than you could ever imagine.  So what are you putting in your thought bank account these days?  Are you withdrawing  before it’s ready to gain interest or are you letting all those positive thoughts build without negative thoughts withdrawals…hmmm…

The cutest thing happened at our local merchantile.  There was a little boy who was buying a candy bar.  He was at the end of the line and he only had five cents but he stood there with a small candy bar in hand.  The cashier pointed back at him and whispered something to the little lady in front of me.  The little lady pulled out a quarter and handed it to me.  She said, “The little guy in the back only has a nickel.  He’s unaware how much his candy bar will cost.  Could you send this back?”  So I took the quarter and pulled one from my own purse and did the same to the man standing behind me.  By the time it hit the end of the line, we had all put a quarter in and the woman at the end of the line handed all the quarters to the little boy.  She said,  “This is for your candy bar.”  He got all excited and left the line and enthusiastically said, “Thanks!”  He turned around and ran back to the candy bars, put back his small candy bar, and grabbed four king size candy bars.

The man behind me said, “Do you think we should have told him he didn’t have enough? ‘Cuz now he really doesn’t have enough.”

Right at that moment the little boy’s three  sisters came running over.  He excitedly told them, “These nice people gave me more money so now we can all have our own candy bars AND they’re BIG ones!”

I looked at the cashier and handed her two ones along with the ones that came up the back of the line.

I turned to the man behind me and he said, “Nah…we shouldn’t tell him.”

Do you really believe that you can have anything you want? Is what you want so huge that you can’t conceivably believe that you can have it, even if you visualize day after day?  If your core belief is that you don’t really believe it will come then it won’t. You are the one responsible for bringing a thought or an idea into physical manifestation. And you have to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is possible. It doesn’t matter how big or small it is. Thoughts are all the same size when it comes to the Universe. It’s only in your own belief of what can or can’t happen that will cause it to manifest. The Universe is unlimited, just like your thoughts.

We spend so much time with our family pets.  Each one has a different personality and they bring such joy to our home.

Sophie, our little pregnant guinea pig is no exception.  She coos and purrs and brings wonderful positive vibrations into our home.  But Sophie is very lucky because she has Watson.  Watson is our male guinea pig and I am thrilled that Peanut is able to witness and observe the guinea pig culture.  They’re positive memories she is building within her own mind.  She has many wonderful positive male family members in our home.  Lee is a loving dad and her grandpa always has the time to be with her.  But Watson…he is showing her that even guinea pigs take care of one another. They have a sense of joy and love.

When Peanut gets up in the morning, her first ‘chore’ is to feed the animals.  She takes care of Donkey and Blondie and then goes upstairs to take care of Watson and Sophie.  Watson is always standing in front of the door waiting to be picked up while Sophie is in her little ‘house’ nesting.  When we put the little ‘house’ in their cage it was Watson who set up the nest.  He dragged pink fluff and bedding in…for Sophie.  He was busily taking hay and carrots putting them in a spot…for Sophie.  Once he had the ‘house’ all set he began to ‘coo’ to her and she went inside, gave him a nudge to say ‘thank you,’ and then purred and curled up in the nest.  He stood at the front of the little house to take care of, you guessed it…Sophie.  He knows she’s pregnant and he knows, “This is what I’m supposed to do.”  Peanut is learning through family AND her pets how important it is to love and care for one another.

It’s not one sided at all.  Sophie makes sure Watson is groomed and you can literally see the joy when they see one another.  They jump straight up in the air over and over again.

When we took Sophie to the vet yesterday, we found out how ‘hands on’ the male guinea pig is when the babies are born.  He helps her deliver by making sure each baby is okay, he takes the babies for walks along with Sophie.  He will be a ‘hands on’ Daddy. 🙂

Sure there are some guinea pigs that don’t have that natural ability but there are some humans that don’t possess it as well.  But everyone has the need to be loved and isn’t it amazing how natural Watson’s love for Sophie is?

Our pets are a wonderful source of unconditional love and joy but they provide so much more than that.  They are showing Peanut how important it is to care and love one another without any motive, without any baggage but just to ‘be’ and let it naturally flow.

Who knew two little ‘fluffs’ could give us so much to think about?:)

Keeping a steady flow of energy in your life is one of the keys to having a life of balance; body, mind, and spirit. Look at it this way. When you want something and you envision and go through your daily routine thinking positive (as well as being grateful for all that you already have) and envisioning what you desire, then you are creating a steady flow of vibrations for a positive life and physical manifestation of the life you desire.

But when you envision what you want and then go about the day worrying and complaining then you are stopping or slowing down the flow of positive energy. It’s like when you have a water hose and you turn it on and there is a nice steady flow, and then you step on that hose. The kink in the hose stops the water from flowing. The water builds up but no water can get through. That’s what it’s like when you stop your own energy; your flow of manifestation. Beware of  stepping on your hose . Feel and think ‘the steady flow.’

Mom comes in this morning and says, “Bethie…I just can’t take it anymore!”  I take a deep breath thinking maybe she needs to vent.  She’s been hovering over Dad like a little mother hen and that can be tiring.

“I know you do everything for us and are busy but…I’ve had it!”

I’m silent doing my best to balance and get ready for what she is about to say.  “All is good,” I say within my mind.  I wait to hear.

She pulls on her short wiry salt and pepper hair.  “She must really be upset,” I’m thinking in my mind.  “She’s pulling her hair out.”

“My hair is driving me crazy!  I need a perm!  Could you please take me in next week?”

I keep a straight face. (barely)  “Of course, Mom.  I’d be happy to.”

The whole lead up to what she needed felt so intense.  (hee hee)

The drama of it all…Mom needs a perm. 🙂

When you decide that what you want is going to happen and you commit wholeheartedly no matter what kind of day you have or what kind of situation you are in, you will find that the Universe will bring all kinds of assistance to you. It might be through material things or through situations, but just know that when you decide with conviction ‘this is what I want’ the Universe complies. Knowing and deciding is an act of trust in yourself and in the Universe.

I had one of those nights where I just kept waking up.  Most people get upset but I tend to look forward to the meditation time. When I’m not able to sleep, I just sit up and begin some ‘one on one’ with the Universe.  Those are the moments when I get the strongest feelings of connection.  Just another way to take a seemingly negative experience and turn it into something to love. 🙂

When you have a great plan for what you want to do in life it is important to keep it silent.  When we announce the plans we have, it opens them to others who tell us how they will never work, or they offer opinions on how you should do it, or how it won’t go right. Or maybe they just give you ‘the look.’ And when someone degrades your life dreams and you begin to listen, the energy lessens and you begin to doubt yourself. 
So if you feel the need to tell someone about your plans simply because you’re excited, write your feelings in a journal.  Write down just how you envision it coming about.  Your journal won’t back talk you or give you any negative looks. 
And if you want to share your dream and talk about it then find others that will truly encourage and support you in whatever you decide to do. Give that treasured thought to someone who says, “I love it…go for it!”  But make sure to pick and choose who you decide to tell.
Hey, and once you have manifested your creation, then you can enjoy shouting it from the rooftops.
The home nurse came out yesterday and took out Dad’s IV in his arm.  No more antibiotics.  All his ‘numbers’ are coming back great and he finally has his energy back.  He wants to throw the walker aside but until his foot heals he needs his little Cadillac. 🙂 
He came in to the kitchen yesterday with the newspaper in hand and said, “Wow…did you know people get old and die?  Oh wait…I’m old.”  Then he shook his head.  “I’m not buying it.  I don’t have to be 82 if I don’t want to.”
You go Dad!  We’ll stop counting if you do!

Keep focusing on how you want your life to be and replay it in your mind as you go about your day.  Feel the joy of the moment and feel the joy of the life you are seeking now.  It is all there and right in your thoughts and feelings. Manifestation time! What are you waiting for? 🙂

Lee and I are taking Mom and Dad to Costco. This is their big day to get out and it is raining cats and dogs so we’re leaving Peanut home with her sis and having a day out with Mom and Dad.  The funny thing is they buy for them so they come out with not much but Lee and I on the other hand are the ones who come out with the basketful  but the day trip is for them going to Costco.  Got to keep Lee away from the electronics and got to keep Dad away from the prunes! 🙂

law of attraction Agrid

Each and every thing that is in your world is a reflection of vibrations.  The whole mix of what you focus on creates a signal that goes out into the Universe and finds a match for your unique signal and then sends back to you a vibration of similar form.  If you spent more time on envisioning your dream of what you want your life to be instead of what your current reality shows,  your vibration will begin to reflect the manifestation of your dream.  Reality is where we manifest what we envision.  Our physical reality is needed to bring about the manifestation of our thoughts.  So where is your focus on a daily basis?  Is it on your current reality or on the end result of what you desire?

Just me and my laptop today.  I’ll be editing and writing in my nice cozy office.  It is still crystal clear outside but is fifteen degrees outside.  Brrrrr!!  When I took my walk yesterday, I was covered from head to toe to keep warm.  All the cats shunned the outdoors and kept inside.  They laid around by the fireplace and expected to be adored just as a cat likes to do.

Another beautiful day in Oregon with my laptop, my coffee, my family, and my thoughts. 🙂


When you are having an experience that you don’t want to have, remember that things can change overnight.  The next day can be much different than today.  Envision how you want your life experience to be and even if you don’t know how, your life can change for the better.  It can happen quickly and it may even feel ‘miracle like.’  Focus on the experience you want and not on what you don’t want.

We had so much fun last night!  We took a bunch of local produce  and had an appointment with the college to use their kitchens for testing foods for the Positive Thought Retreat.   They were all very helpful and just a great group.  We gave them my Grandma’s recipes and let them go to town to see how they could improve and/or leave the recipe alone.

The blackberry muffins and preserves were the hit of the night so they will definitely be in the lobby of the Retreat.  What a fun night but I am still full from all the tasting!



You do know that you were meant to have abundance?  Our inner self is very aware of this.  It is our own physical mind that decides to be in lack whether consciously or unconsciously.  We come into this world knowing we are loved and that life is to be abundant.  It is when we begin to see all around us what others perceive and what others say that cause us to begin to look at lack.  Abundance is not a direct result of whether you have done something right or wrong, abundance is a spiritual state of mind and when you can remember and live the spiritual mind state of abundance your physical mind will step aside and your inner self will guide you to the abundant life you deserve…no questions asked.

We had a great day yesterday.  We worked in the studio in the morning and then took the afternoon off to be with our girls.  We went to town and went to the movie theater to get out of the heat for awhile.  Everyone else was heading to the coast but the movie theater was even cooler.  We sat and watched movies to be the heat!  Nothing better than that.  Now back to work in the studio today.  🙂

law of attraction doobie

You start it.  You be the one that treats others as you want to be treated no matter how they are to you.  You be the one who loves first even if they show no love to you.  Be the one that trusts another person even if they don’t trust you.  Be the one to give even if the other doesn’t give at all.  Be the one, be the one, be the one, and you will then become ‘the one’ that you want to be.

Lee is holding down the fort again.  I’m heading into town with Mom to see another doctor and just enjoy the day with her.  She really is fine everyone!  Thank you for your e-mails and concerns.  She just has a small little thing going on and we are getting it taken care of.  I’m enjoying some one and one time with her as well.  It isn’t too often that her and I get out by ourselves…we either have Peanut or Grandpa with us so I think I’ll be taking her to lunch today!  She tends to defer to who is with her about where to go for lunch so today she picks. 🙂



Can you imagine all the different vibrations that are emitting in this world?  And can you imagine, just you alone, how many each day you emit?  I’m not talking about just the ones you pay attention to but the ones that you repetitive think each day.  “I’m going to be late for work, I’m going to be late for work,” or maybe “I don’t trust my wife, I don’t trust my wife.”  Think about all the time you take to envision the life you want and then you mix in the ‘don’t want’ visions as well.  Is it possible to get something that you visualize on and at the same time push against it?  Yes you can get it but it will probably be the hard way.  When you have mixed feelings and thoughts emitting out into the Universe, the Universe does its best (and succeeds) in giving you a like vibration of all of the thoughts you have repetitively thought.  So your visualization, your repetitive negative thoughts, all become a part of the vibration that comes back to you.  The more you are able to visualize what you desire and then take the rest of the day to watch your reactions and keeping a balanced mind about all things, the easier and ‘exact’ your end result will be.

We’re up early and getting work done so we can take the rest of the day off with the girls.  Maybe we’ll go see a movie!

law of attraction grim

Who ever said that you have to struggle in life?  Look at all the abundance and joy around you in nature, children, and animals.  They were not conditioned to believe that life wasn’t joyful.  It is adults who have been conditioned by their surroundings that cause them to feel less than adequate. Start creating mental pictures that tell you “YES that is the life I want.”   Life is supposed to be joyful and abundant…don’t listen to anyone who tells you any differently.  Focus on joy and abundance and it will come to you via the Law of Attraction.

 Prescient counseling’s today so I’ll be on the phone and sending prescient e-mails today.  I’m all prepared with…coffee!  Yes, I know, I talk way too much about coffee but hey, it is one of life’s many pleasures that is worth announcing! 🙂

We had a great time at our LOA gathering. I love seeing other people ‘get it’ meaning the light goes on within and they say, “Oh my gosh.  I’m the only one that matters in changing my reality.”  Some people wait for someone else to make their dream come true when the reality is; it is all up to them.  It’s wonderful when someone realizes and their eyes light up and they have a whole new outlook on their life.  

So off I go!



Ask the Universe for inspiration in your life.  If you have a particular area that you need answers and/or inspiration just ask the Universe.  Nothing can be done unless you envision and/or ask.  We live in free will here in this physical life and the Universe will give you the answers that you seek if you make a conscious effort to ask.  Once you have asked for inspiration the Universe will send you answers that you are seeking.  Be patient and keep your eyes open for the signs.  Trust the Universe will bring you what you are looking for and it will come in the time that is exactly right for you and others.


Spring is the time of new beginnings and renewal.  Can you just ‘feel’ it in the air?  Looking out my window I see endless blue skies and horses running across the green field.  The baby lambs are jumping for joy…they feel joy!  What an incredible time to be alive!






Tip #1:  Focus on what you want and not on what you are lacking in your life. Whatever you focus on will increase whether it is what you want or what you don’t want.


Tip #2:  Each and every day connect to the Universe through quiet time or as most call it meditation.  Being still and just listening to your breathing is enough.  It gives you the chance to practice getting the logical mind to do what you want without the random monkey chatter in your mind.  The more you practice the easier it will get.


Tip #3:  Keep doubt from your mind.  Don’t engage in any kind of negative thinking about yourself, others, or in general.  Bring the mind back to the positive.  Negative thinking slows down the process of manifesting the good you want.


Tip #4:  Stop waiting and live life as if you already have what it is that you want.  Every step is building a new thought process of abundance and it will appear in your life in new ways.  Live ‘as if’ it is there even if it is just a feeling.  It will manifest into form.  Enjoy the process.


Tip #5: Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude!  Need we say more?  Be thankful for what you have and what you are going to have.  Find something to be grateful for in every situation of your life.


Tip #6:  Be open to how it comes to you.

Don’t pigeon hole the Universe into bringing what you want a certain way.  There are many unlimited possibilities that you haven’t even thought of.  Leave it to the Universe of ‘how’ and you will be more than happily surprised at the unique way the Universe brings all you desire to you and of course it can also surprise you with the conventional.  Think unlimited and trust and believe in the Universe your ability to manifest.


Tip #7:  Give to others with a loving genuine heart.  It doesn’t matter whether you give through money and/or random acts of kindness; just give from your heart.  Giving can come in all different forms; a smile, helping someone through a problem, ‘allowing’ someone when they are in a bad mood, financial help, your time.  There are so many ways to give to your fellow adventurers of life because they really are a part of the same consciousness that you are so in reality you are helping yourself as well as them.  Give for the sake of compassion and love… not because you think you’ll get something back.


Tip#8:  Remember the song “Don’t worry…Be Happy!”?  There is truth to the thought.  Worrying will only bring you more of the same.  Why not be happy no matter what the situation?  Maybe you have an argument with someone and it made you upset.  Find the learning experience through it and work it out but continue to know that life is joyful and that YOU have the choice how to react and ‘be’. 


These are just a few tips to work on your journey. 🙂


We’re taking Peanut to lunch and then the park today.  There is a wonderful park in one of our local towns that has created the most amazing playground for children.  There are rock formations with holes and caves, native animals to enjoy, the best play equipment ever, and nice people all around.  I think I enjoy going to the park better than Lee and Peanut! 🙂






In every reaction, every repetitive focused thought, every choice, every decision, every feeling, every creation you put into form, you are manifesting. Why not put some direction into all that?  You could really have everything you want when you put your mind to changing what you don’t like about your life and putting thought and action into what you do want.  Manifest with intention and with gratitude for what you have now.  How you see life starts from your inner core self.  Start there and you will see life go in the direction of what you want.


What a weekend!  We had such a wonderful time with family.  They’ll be flying out tomorrow and we enjoyed them so much!  Mom and Dad love having their kids around and talking of old good times.  We had way too much food, way too much teasing, and way too much fun…just the way it should be!






Everyone and everything that comes into your life are reflections of your own thoughts and feelings.  The Universe matches the vibrations you are sending out and bring them back to you.  Take a good honest look at yourself.  If you have the same kind of situations or the same kind of people coming into your life see where you may have attracted them.  Maybe you seem to be attracting people taking advantage of you.  Look inside yourself and see where you may have been victimizing yourself or others.  Find the thoughts and feelings of victimization and change them within yourself.  It may take a little time but shifting your focus to more positive about your own self will bring you vibrations that you can be proud of.

If you have an attitude of ‘give me what I want now’ you’ll be attracting that kind of attitude through the people around you.  But if you treat others with respect and love and treat yourself the same you will have a wonderful life of love and respect.


It’s such a beautiful morning full of sunshine and mild temperatures.  Yesterday we just had a nice relaxing day.  Peanut wanted a swing for outside and Lee decided he was going to build one.  I think we went to the hardware store four times by the time we were done.  It began to feel like an episode of ‘Home Improvement’.  I got to laughing so hard as the swing got shorter and shorter and then Peanut had to use a step ladder to get on it!  But by the end of the day Peanut had a wonderful swing and was enjoying every minute of it.  Lee, on the other hand, was sitting in his chair huffing and puffing with a glass of diet Pepsi.  Once he finished ‘relaxing’ he smiled and said, “My baby has a swing!”







In order to move forward in your life it takes change.  Even when you are asking for a more positive life it takes change.  It takes you taking action in some way whether it is just in the mind or physical action.  You have to embrace that change is part of the process.  Repeat after me:  “Change is good!  Change is good!”  Change signals that life is about to take a wonderful step forward for you.  Change means you are learning and growing.  You’re shedding the cocoon and emerging a butterfly.  CHANGE IS GOOD!


Today is a day for relaxing.  We’ve had a busy week and I’m looking forward to visiting with family and just having a nice quiet day.  I love the busyness of our life and helping others but once in a while a day to ‘recharge’ is just what the doctor ordered!





Let go of what you have been trained to believe unless you feel it works for you. Open your mind to every single possibility no matter how extreme. If you believe something is possible or impossible both beliefs are right.  It all depends on what you believe in.  If you attach yourself to a certain way of living and that is what you believe, that is what you will get.  When you open your mind to unlimited possibilities and truly believe that is what you will get.  Let go of the attachment of what you think and explore.  Find what makes you feel happy.  It’s up to you.


We had a wonderful book signing yesterday and LOA intimate gathering.  The women were so open and honest about their lives.  Today Lee and I are putting together a proposal for the Law of Attraction Retreat we have envisioned.  We’ve been giving the ‘okay’ with the property so now it is about fine-tuning the creation into reality. 

All’s I have to say is…PLEASE live your dream.  You can do it. There is nothing better than enjoying life every single day and helping others through your passion.


Everything that you want to manifest always comes from your inner you.  You don’t use the ego to manifest because ego will slow it down.  It is when you want something from your own inner being that helps it to manifest.  It’s best to keep silent when you are manifesting your ideas into form.  When you talk to others you often feel that you have to explain or even defend what you want.  At that point your ego has entered the picture.  Step away from the ego and create from within with pure intention.


What a beautiful day it is to be out on the road.  We have an overcast sky with the sun peeking through and Lee and I will be on the road today going to a Law of Attraction Intimate Gathering for a group of ladies up the coast. This group has fifteen women of all ages.  You’re never too old to empower your life.  It’s wonderful to listen to their experiences. 

Looking forward to the day as always. 🙂

Are you really the person you think you are or do you have some reservations about your own self?  Remember that your physical body is just that, a physical body that lives and breathes because of who you are within.  The ‘real’ you is within your physical body and is as free as free can be.  You chose to have this experience within the limits of the physical body BUT that doesn’t mean that you are limited within.  When you direct thought and feeling from within, from the ‘real’ you, it manifests into your physical world.  So who do you think you are within?  It is an important question because feeling good about who you are changes your reality in your physical life.



I’m looking forward to our online gathering retreat in January.  Lee and I have been getting all the info together and collecting stories from other people who have had success in the LOA to give the info to all of you. 


It is freezing cold here!  We’re expected to get snow this weekend.  We’ve never gotten snow this close to the coast before.  I’m sure it will be just beautiful.


Have a grand day.

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