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This is a special Law of Attraction YouTube radio show focusing on how to think limitless.

Are you a Chicken Little expecting the sky to fall?  Instead of worrying about every little condition in your life and in the world, do something and begin to think about solutions.  Even if you don’t know the answer trust it will come to you in the time it should.  Just see it joyfully solved and it will be. Enjoy everyday life.  You will find that just knowing there is a solution and it trusting it will come at the right time will take the worry away.  Trust the Universe!


We’ll be recording the YouTube Law of Attraction Radio show today then heading into town to pick up heart doilies and glitter for Peanut to make valentines. She prefers constructing them herself instead of store bought valentines.   What a joy she is.  Nine years old is such a wonderful age.


You are as limited as you believe you are…

Think about that.  When you impose limits, whether they are from past beliefs that you have been taught or beliefs that you have perceived, you are limiting what it is that you can achieve in your life.  You have the ability to release your limits just by thinking unlimited.

Some of us don’t even realize that we may have limits.  Let’s say you are visualizing $10,000.00 a month.  You see yourself spending it and enjoying the life that you want through focus and visualization.  Then you begin to ‘limit’ where it comes from.  You start thinking about, “Well, if I do this, this, and this, it will come that way and then you begin micro managing ‘how’.  There is a difference between being aware and taking action and getting ideas on ‘how’ the money will come.  You act upon those BUT you don’t visualize a specific of WHERE the money comes from.  Do you get it?  Specifics in the general of the life that you want to attain to but the ‘how’ is left to the Universe.  The Universe has no limits as to ‘how’.  You, on the other hand, impose limits when you focus on the ‘how’ and micro manage.  Leave the ‘how’ to the Universe and be ready for action.  See beyond the limits of what could be.  ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!  ANYTHING!  Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise and that is including yourself. 🙂

I’m heading out to go do some errands for our wonderful assistant Janet.  She has a lot on her plate today and I’m easing some of her ‘good stress’ as she calls it.  So I’ll pop in my audio CD into the car, go grab a Starbucks, and enjoy the day.  Lee and I will be recording the YouTube radio show this afternoon so guess I better get going!  Have a great day!

Many years before I knew about how to apply the Law of Attraction intentionally, I had noticed that every time I said a particular word (didn’t know it wasn’t the word, it was the strong intense feeling with that word) everything came rushing to me that I didn’t want.  You know the word?   The word…drumroll please…NEVER. 

I can’t even tell you how many times I would say, “In a million years I will NEVER understand my sister!”  Not even a few months later, I would have a similar situation that made me understand what my sister could have been going through. 

Or this one, “One thing I can tell you for sure is that I will NEVER be in that situation.”  Once again, the situation would come crashing in to my life.

This is proof positive of the LOA even when I wasn’t applying it.  Those ‘nevers’ are like seeds that have been soaked in fertilizer with the strong intense don’t want, judgemental, emotion. 

I now know what the intense judgement of another can do.  Comparing yourself to someone and saying that you will never experience what they have will bring you the experience of the never situation.

You don’t know why others have made decisions the way they did unless you have been in their mind.  Even if you have had a similar experience, it still doesn’t mean that you know why someone made a decision.  Steer clear of the ‘never’ and just be supportive without any judgement. 

It’s true what they say…Never say never!  🙂

Have my headphones on and am listening to ‘Liquid Mind’.  I love the CD.  It’s very ethereal sounding.  It goes right to the core of my very being.  Has a lot of high tonal angel like sounds that don’t even sound human.  Puts me in another world.  We’re heading out to engagements this weekend and we will be recording the radio show.  It’s a beautiful wispy cloud day and is 53 degrees.  I am working from the home office today and can see Peanut hanging like a monkey in our outside tree.  She takes her book up into the tree and reads.  I love the age of nine.  They have these fantastic ideas.  

If you get the chance check out the web site for the Connecting to the Universe CD.  There’s a sample of it on the web site. Out of all the CD’s we have recorded, it’s my favorite.

All of us do it.  We hang on so tightly to either a situation or person and try to control the outcome.  When practicing the Law of Attraction intentionally, hanging on to a situation of the negative is controlling on your behalf. 

When you have a situation or person that is causing you considerable grief, see the situation as healed and calm…in your favor…and then…relinquish control and let go.  Once you have seen the outcome that you desire let the Universe take over and bring you a calm healed result.  Each time you hang on to the negative situation you are creating more thoughts and feelings toward what you don’t want.  Focus on the ‘do want’.  Focus on the outcome and let go.  Once you let go and not give it any more energy except positive, the Universe will begin to move all things in the direction of what you want. 

Lee and I have some appearances over the next few weeks.  They are always fun to go to and to meet all of you face to face. 🙂

I kept thinking it was Friday today for some reason so I packed our bags for the show.  Peanut asked what I was doing and she reminded me that it was only Thursday. I think I was thrown off by recording the radio show early.  I really don’t put too much to time itself but in this physical world we have to use it.  So in a way…I gained a day!

Can you guess what the biggest Law of Attraction saboteur is?  There are many lack feelings and thoughts that could sabotage your effects in the Law of Attraction but the biggest is…drum roll please…fear.

If there is one thing to work on within your self it is to get rid of fear.  Fear of anything brings more of the same through the Law of Attraction.  And when you resist fear, the Universe brings you more to resist.  Remember that the Law of Attraction brings you what you focus on and if you focus on being afraid, the Universe will bring it right to you.

One of Lee’s and my favorite quotes is:  “Fear is the thief of dreams.”  Favorite because it really does speak the truth.  When you fear, you have been robbed of what you desire.  Fear robs you.  Don’t let it happen.  You wouldn’t let a robber come in and steal from you so don’t let this silent robber take from your dreams.

Fear can leave you immobile.  Ride through the fear.  Find out what you really are fearing.  Usually if you fear a particular incident or person, there is something much deeper than an incident or person.  Look inside yourself and find what the base of your fear is and then let the fear go.   Once you do that, you can see a little clearer and once you see a little clearer, your mind becomes clearer and fear will diminish.

Don’t live worrying about tomorrow.  Live today and only today.  Let’s not put fear in anything and especially our thoughts on the future.  You are always taken care of by the Universe.  There is nothing to fear…except fear itself and you and only you can squash the fear. 

Keep reminding yourself that the Universe is taking care of all your desires so there is no need to fear.

Our recording session for this week’s Law of Attractin radio show went fast and flawless.  Lee and I seem to work better when it is raining outside and it is.  We love the sound of the rain and it always feels cozy.  We took a quick break today to pick up birthday presents for Peanut.  Birthdays are always big around our house.  A birthday is a day that you were born and decided to create your world.  What an amazing accomplishment!

I will say it is a constant mental check with losing weight through LOA.  You have to retrain your mental thoughts on weight and yourself.  Liking who you are now is a good start and by figuring that one out, you have half the battle won.  The logical mind tells you that you can only lose weight the way normal society tells you but Lee and I both have realized that we can lose it on our own terms and we have.

Lee had no idea how many people would reach out and want to be a part of the LOA weight loss circle.  The amount of people wanting to keep in contact and support each other is so great!  When you have a like minded group checking each other and supporting each other it is always a success.

As you know, Lee has lost quite a bit of weight through the Law of Attraction program that we set up.  I, too, have dropped quite a bit of weight as well.  What people don’t realize is that Lee and I started the weight loss journey a few years back.  Everything else had fallen exactly in place through the Law of Attraction and when we began to tackle the weight loss mental patterns and figured out what would work best, well it started coming off pretty effortlessly. 

So if you are so inclined, join Lee’s weight loss group.  It’s free and very supportive which I believe everyone can use encouragement whether you have a few pounds to lose or not.  (Lee’s weight loss blog)  (check out the Lee’s weight loss page) (LOA articles and YouTube radio show)

It’s interesting how ‘mass’ consciousness works sometimes.  We have many emails come to us each week asking for an answer to a question they may have on the Law of Attraction for the YouTube radio show.  This week we had six emails, from different people, ask us relatively the same question.  One of our LOA Boot Camper asked the same question as well.  We thought that we would address it in our blog so here it goes.

I went to see a psychic the other day and I didn’t like what she had to tell me about my future.  How do psychics fit into the Law of Attraction?  If I am creating my world now, how is she to know what my future will be especially if I change my thoughts the following week?  Can you shed some light?

Let’s start with psychics.  Everyone has the ability to see intuitively as a psychic does.  A psychic is able to tap into seeing or hearing intuitively what is being said from the Universe.  They have a strong focus and can tell the difference between her logical mind and her intuitive mind.  This in itself is a gift. 

When a psychic gives you a ‘reading’ they are giving you an impression of what they intuitively see or hear of your future from who you are at that moment.  So like in the Christmas Carol when Scrooge sees the future, this is based on who he is at that moment. Of course we all know how the story ends.  Scrooge changes his ways (his thoughts) and becomes a pillar of the community and ‘that future’ he saw is no longer.

A human changes all the time but if you remain the same in thought and behavior patterns, then it is possible that the psychic will be spot on.  The other thing that can happen is when you hear an impression from a psychic, you may believe it to be true and then you start the Universe working on what you believe.  Anything can be changed.  There is no future written in stone unless you make it so yourself.  subliminal CD  Law of Attraction Boot Camp  Five Practical Law of Attraction tips

So we get an email that one of our listeners sent about the YouTube radio show that states that Beth (as in me 🙂 ) laughs way too much for such a serious subject.   Just to let everyone know:  I am usually a reserved individual until you get to know me.  Any kind of ‘media’ per se’ makes me nervous but because of my love for teaching and encouraging others, I am overcoming it.  How does my nervousness manifest?  You guessed it….laughter. 

I’m afraid I am the one that used to laugh when we went to church as children.  When it would become very serious, my reaction was to laugh….not get upset or cry.  So I see it as a blessing but by someone else’s perception, it could appear not being serious. 

That being said….I love the Law of Attraction and take it very seriously but in a joyous way.  🙂

I also laugh when I am happy so you get me laughing when I am nervous AND when I’m happy.   

Oh well….:) Our son’s birthday is today and he is 26 years old.  He always has me bake an ice cream cake and pork tacos. I’ll put in a little plug here.  He is the lead singer in his band, Sonny and the Moonlighters and they play kind of “doo-wap” music.  Lots of fun!

 Every week we have our students in Law of Attraction Boot Camp keep track of their thoughts of gratitude.  The gratitude logs are amazing.  Everyone has a different view on what makes them feel grateful but all of the logs make us feel grateful to our students.  Their gratitude logs provide us immense joy.  I love the ones that someone takes an experience that seems hard and turns it into a grateful moment.

Here are just a few from our students:

I am grateful that I remembered to renew my library book.

I am grateful for my boss being mean because he spurred me to find a job that I really like.

I am grateful that I found two very interesting videos on YouTube.

I am grateful for the beautiful cloud formation I saw.

I am grateful for the fourteen green signals on my way to work.

I am grateful for my cat that wakes me up at 4:am to pet him.

I am grateful that my dad showed up unexpectedly after school to pick me up.

I am grateful that the furnace is still going strong!

I am grateful that my car started up without any coaching.

I am grateful for my wife who supports me in anything (and anything is different than everything:)) I do.

I am grateful that my kids have nice strong lungs. 

I am grateful for snow because my twins don’t have to be driven to school and I get to spend more time with them.

I am grateful for the $111.00 check that came in the mail that I didn’t know was coming.

I am grateful for the book store and all it has in it….including coffee Beth!

I am grateful that Lee started the weight loss program that he has on online so that I could be a part of it.  You go Lee!

I am grateful that I have found such wonderful friends through the LOA. (You all know who you are!)

I am grateful for vanilla yogurt with oatmeal mixed in.

I am grateful that my mom didn’t have cancer. 

I am grateful for the pimple on my chin because it reminds me that I like chocolate.

I am grateful for candles and fried chicken…and my dog, Stinkbomb who loves me no matter what I say or do.

I am grateful for human beings.

I am grateful for complete strangers who smile and say, “hi”.

I am grateful for money I found on the sidewalk.

 Are they great?!

EXCITING!  We have been getting boxes of the magazine, the Indicator, Your Law of Attraction Quarterly in the mail.  Our distributor sent us quite a few boxes as a perk.  I like perks!! 

The magazine keeps gaining steam and the second issue is the one we are really excited about.  The first issue is wonderful, don’t get me wrong, but the second one is the one that will be all over in the stores and that is getting the word out for people to feel inspired and encouraged through the Law of Attraction.  YAY! 

We have some thought provoking questions for the Youtube radio show this week.  We find that after the first of the year, people start wanting to improve life and this is the time we get alot of emails full of questions.

LOA Boot Camp is going right along.  Everyone is learning so much and everyone gets it!  When you put together a four week course with personal webinars and lesson webinars, lessons, assessment tests, etc. it can take some time to get it all together and then not everyone gets what you are discussing so we sometimes get lots of questions.  This time, everyone in the class, all forty three, understand everything so there are not as many questions involved.  Lee sent the boot campers some special music that we listen to for focus time and everyone loved it.  If you haven’t already heard it, please listen to Sarah McLaughlin’s ‘Ordinary Miracle”.  What a beautiful Law of Attractiony 🙂 song.

The sound of rain.  I LOVE IT!  As Lee and I are recording the radio show, the rain is just pouring down.  Even though we are in a sound proof recording room, I can still faintly hear it. 

We’ve started on our second issue of the magazine.  We had a meeting this afternoon for pitch ideas which was a lot of fun.  Our meetings can get pretty crazy with ideas being thrown back and forth.  There’s always lots of coffee and good company.  It’s great to be surrounded by other Law of Attraction people.  They understand all Lee’s Universe jokes.

LOA Boot Camp is going well.  We are so pleased with all of our students.  Everyone is understanding the text and you can’t believe the questions that come in.  We enjoy answering every one of them and we even had some questions that we haven’t gotten before. 

Lee and I will be grading papers and assessments this weekend which will be fun…especially with the rain storm that is coming.

Hey, everyone!

Great news for our magazine subscribers!  Received word that the magazine, The Indicator: Your Law of Attraction Quarterly has left the printers and is on its way to the distributors which means all you subscribers should have it in your mitts next week!  Yippeeee! 

Hey, here’s a really neat LOA tip that we like an awful lot.  Hope you enjoy it.


In your mind, see what you really want to see.  When you decide to disregard what you see, there will not be an immediate change. But if you will begin to visualize what you want ― even after the negative event already has occurred ― the change you make in your mindset will affect your vibrations. Disregarding what the eye sees is not the same as ignoring reality.  This is a misstep many new practitioners of the Law of Attraction seem to make.

Disregarding what the eye sees is another way of interpreting what surrounds you, that’s all. A perfect example:  Most would enter an older neighborhood and see the overgrown yards teeming with weeds and broken cars, would be repulsed, and would immediately leave the area.          

Practitioners of the LOA would see the history in the old workmanship of the clapboard houses, would imagine the beautifully restored ’57 Chevy, and would see the many memories surrounding the grand old neighborhood.          

This person would see the kind, elderly couple getting off the bus and shuffling to the home they’ve proudly owned for half a century. The LOA practitioner will notice the children playing, and the smells coming from the kitchens up and down the street as the neighbors prepare supper.          

The non-practitioner will only see the weeds and the chipped paint. Both realities are true; none more real than the other. Which reality do you believe the Universe intended for you?                   

Disregard what the eye sees.

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Walk your path and create your day!

We finished recording our 27th broadcast on YouTube.  It’s hard to believe that we have done a full season.  I know I’ve said that before but….WOW!  

On this week’s YouTube radio show, we will give you info on how to hear the syndicated radio pilot that we just finished.  It’s so exciting!  The question and answer radio show we will continue to record every week for YouTube but for those of you that don’t know it yet, we have a new syndicated over the air radio show that will begin broadcasting mid February.  As far as we know, this is the first Law of Attraction radio show over the air.  (Not satellite or internet) 

The special something on the YouTube radio show will be info on how to hear audio clips of the pilot Law of Attraction broadcast.  So make sure to tune in to show #27 on YouTube.  The address for the YouTube channel is:

Had a great birthday yesterday.   Lee and I went out for lunch and did a little shopping.  Last night the whole family got together and had a birthday feast complete with a Cold Stone Creamery cake.  🙂  I opened presents and enjoyed every one of them. (Lots of gift cards)  

I received many greeting cards.  I’m a  greeting card fanatic.  I love what people write from their heart. 

Today is our day when all the women get together and bake for the holidays.   We bake over 20 dozen cookies and we take 10 dozen to the local shelters to serve with the Christmas meals.  We decorate them all pretty and make sure that they are made with love and hope.  During our baking process, we sing the grateful song. 

Okay, I know it sounds a little hokey but we have an eight year old that we are teaching the Law of Attraction by example.  So we sing how grateful we are for who we are and how grateful that we are making our cookies.  It’s kind of a freestyle song.  🙂   It’s lots of fun and goofy but it sure builds great memories and feelings.  

We make sure that Peanut comes with us to deliver all the cookies to the shelter.  It’s so important to give back when life is so plentiful. 

Life is wonderful, isn’t it?!

Tomorrow consists of working on the Law of Attraction Boot Camp.  Enrollment has grown immensely and we are so happy about that.

We can’t wait to get our hands on the magazine!!!  It is due anyday now and should be in homes all over soon.  We’re so proud of the magazine and feel that it will help out alot of people who are struggling with certain life issues.  Here’s a little plug 🙂    It’s called, “The Indicator, Your Law of Attraction Quarterly”.  There will be four issues a year and it is packed with great info.  Check it out on the web site when you get a chance. 

The YouTube radio show went great this week.  Some shows go smoother than others and this one was a breeze.  It’s number 26.  It’s hard to believe that we have done a whole season of radio shows.  Lee sang Happy Birthday to me at the end of the show.  He’s my swan you know!!  🙂 

We were making a Law of Attraction moment this evening.  Lee, Peanut, and I drove through the neighborhoods with all the beautiful holiday lights on.  We turned on the Christmas holiday music radio channel and sang at the top of our lungs Christmas song after Christmas song. 

Lee and I both don’t drink any kind of alcohol but I needed to buy a bottle of rum for a rum ball recipe for the holidays.  I had no idea that rum wasn’t available in the grocery store.  Lee informed me it is only available in the liquor store so he went to go to the liquor store and it was closed.  I’ve never seen a liquor store closed.  Peanut said we should go to Dairy Queen because they have rum ice cream there.  🙂 

We will continue the rum hunt tomorrow after our meetings and recording of the radio show. 

Wow!  Double wow! We had someone email us a question regarding religion and the Law of Attraction.  We answered the question on the radio show on YouTube and it’s been crazy!  Everybody thinks it’s themselves and a friend of theirs.  So we have been inundated with emails from both sides of the coin.  People wanting to know if any religion can practice the Law of Attraction and how does it fit in?  We even had a comment of a guy who thinks it was him we were talking about.  Oh well, it’s been fun answering all the questions and the listeners really rallied around this one. 

We’ve put the show on this blog entry.  You can decide for yourself.

We just finished recording the radio show for Youtube.  We can’t even believe that we are on number 24.  The time sure does fly when you are having fun!  We usually record on Wednesday or Thursday but because of the holiday it got pushed back to today. 

Lee is editing a television film tomorrow.  We have a 23 year old daughter and an 8 year old daughter (We also have two adult sons as well)  so we are having a girlie day tomorrow.  We go get coffee and then we will brave the holiday shoppers that are out.  I love playing the parking space Law of Attraction game.  You know the one, thanking the Universe for close parking spots in a full parking lot and somehow you get it. 

We’ve had a couple of people email and ask us, “How do you and Lee choose the Law of Attraction questions for the radio show?”  Here’s the info:  We get close to a hundred email each week with questions for the radio show.  We go through each question and make sure that it isn’t something that we may have already covered in a previous show.  We then go through and see what would be a more common question.  Sometimes we get several of the same kind of question each week.  We narrow it down and go with what feels right for the week.  There are times where a question comes in and it is the chosen one, even before we do the narrowing down.  We hold all the questions in a folder for next week and put them with our new questions we get.  We answer everyone’s email.  Sometimes it takes a few days for us to get back to someone but we always do.  If you ever want to email a LOA question, email us from the website: or you can email us from YouTube.

We’ve uploaded show number 23 for you to see!

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