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What is your focus on in your day?  Are you focusing on all that you don’t want in your life, complaining about your everyday situations, and creating a resistant negative vibration to your moments?

Life will get more positive and lighter if you choose to focus in on all you do want, appreciating what is in your day, and creating a positive vibration in all that you say and do.

If you’re not happy, then take a moment to choose how you really want to think and feel. In order to be happy, you have to choose happiness.  Even if your day has some bumps in it, you can focus on what has been good in the day as well.

Create happiness through your everyday moments and thoughts.  You can be happy even if everything isn’t exactly what you envision at the moment.

Take each moment and seek out what makes you feel happy and what makes you smile. Focus in on the happy.


If you are having a difficult experience happening in your life send out love. Love heals and protects you.  As love goes out, it protects it’s sender and stops any drain of energy.

The more you send out love, the more healing and protection energy will come into your life through love.

Love is the solution, love is the answer, love is all there is…  Send out love in all you do and say,  and see how it can change your life experiences.

Love is powerful.


Love people for who they are and not for who you want them to be.

There is no need to be conditional with love.  There is more than enough love to go around so unconditional love. Let go of the thought of judging another on how they are living their life.  They are doing their best even if you don’t see that it is their best.

Encourage them and love them for who they are.  Isn’t that how you want to be loved?

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The answer will come my friend.  No need to push for it, no need to worry about it; the answer will come.  All you need to do is keep a strong focus on the thought that there is an answer and then be open to what comes into your life.

Let the Universe go through the steps it needs to so that your answer comes about in the best way possible for your life.

Have faith and trust…


There is no limit to the growth and expansion that is possible for you and your life.

What you believe is what you become. If you don’t like what you believe, you can release the old way of thought and focus in on a new way of thought that better fits who you are.

Your growth and expansion are completely up to you. If you choose limited thought, then limited experiences are what come into your life.  If you choose unlimited thought and expansion, even if you don’t know how it will unfold, then unlimited experiences and possibilities will unfold.

It has always been your choice my friend.


There is no one right way; there is only the way that is right for you.

When another tells you that there is just one way to do something, remember that, in any experience, there is always more than one right way.

Opinions and suggestions can be wonderful if they resonate with your thoughts, but if others give you opinions and suggestions that don’t feel right to you, then they most likely aren’t the best for your life.  It may work for them to do it in the way they say, but we are all so unique that there are many paths that can lead to the same outcome.

Don’t dismiss their thoughts quickly as there may be answers within their thoughts, but just remember to ask yourself if you are rejecting their thoughts because you just don’t want another to be ‘right’ or is it that you can feel within that their way isn’t your way.

Feel for your truth within as it won’t steer you wrong.

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What gives you forward momentum when it comes to your life?

Begin saying no to the things that aren’t absolutely essential to your life.  And start saying no to the things that don’t bring you joy.

And then, start saying yes to the things that give you a good feeling within and that feel like you are making forward progress in life. That is what will bring forward movement to your growth and to your life experience.

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Did you know that saying positive and loving words can bring up your mind’s vibration?  If you experience your life through creating a positive and loving thought, over and over again, you are creating a vibration that the mind will take in and raise the vibration even higher.

Just think,  if you could keep a steady positive higher thought in all that you experience, you would be sending out a vibration that will bring you life experiences that feel good and positive.

Say higher more loving words about yourself and others.  Say higher more loving words to all that are around you.  Say higher more loving words to each experience that you have; even those resistant feeling experiences.  You can handle challenges with a positive vibration instead of a resistant vibration.  Just put your mind, body, and spirit into it.

See what there is that is positive within the experience as you handle it.  And if you can’t see a positive, then just remind yourself that it is there.  It will reveal itself.

Create a more loving and higher life experience by saying words that create a vibration of kindness, compassion, and love.


Go beyond what is commonly considered held to be true and seek out and discover your own personal truth.

What resonates with you?  What brings a feeling of peace and knowing into your life? Ask yourself what will bring you closer to how you want to ‘be’ and take that direction.  That direction is where you will find your personal truth.

Seek out what makes you happy and gives you a higher positive thought.  That is where your personal truth will be.

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Do your best to eliminate the word ‘trying’ from your vocabulary.  Instead use the words ‘I am.’  Trying indicates that you may or may not be able to do what you are thinking but saying ‘I am doing it,’ creates a whole other positive vibration of manifestation.

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No matter how big or small changes are in your life, change is always a signal that there is growth within.  And growth means getting to a vibration that is more in alignment with what you envision life to be.



How do you speak about yourself?  Do you say critical things about who you are or do you think about what you don’t like about who you are?

Be aware of the images you create about yourself when you speak with others or think about who you are.  Take time to think about the positive things that you like about yourself.

Leave the critical mind behind and focus in on your great qualities and less on your, what you consider, negative things about who you are.  Inner work to build your self image and confidence and see how truly wonderful you are. Strive to create a positive self image for yourself.  Make it a priority and if your critical voice pops up, then be conscious of it and let the critical go while you shift to a more positive image of yourself.

Everyone is unique and we all have wonderful qualities. Accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative my friend.

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Isn’t it time to believe that a good life is naturally yours?  You are deserving of what you want in your life. You don’t have to justify why you want what you want, you don’t have to have a reason for having a good life, and you don’t have to answer to anyone about the life you want to live.

Just believe in yourself and the good life you can have. Find what is good in your moments today and send out that sincere appreciation out into the Universe.

Know, trust, and believe that a good life is now and even better in your future. You deserve it!


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You always have a choice my friend.  You can choose peace over worry, you can choose calm over drama, and you can choose love over any conflict.

Where you take your thoughts, is the direction that you will head.


There are times where we look at another and their life and we want them to do or be in the way we think would be best, yet by looking and their life and thinking about how you can make it better, you are being judgmental and opinionated in what you think about their life.

Let them experience their life in the best way that they see fit and if they ask your opinion or advice, then give that advice from a non judgmental place within you. They may want your suggestions but they aren’t asking you to judge their life.

You don’t have to like what they say or do but remember that their life is their own just as your life is your own.

Love people for who they are; not for who you want them to be.

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There truly is no limit to the growth and the expansion that is possible for you.  There is no point where you stop growing within so if life feels as if it is in a rut, be aware that really, you are continuing to expand and grow within.

If you want to expand your mind and heart, then focus in on how you can expand your mind and heart.  Take a step toward expansion through opening up your mind to what you read, what you listen to,  and have sessions of meditation or quiet time; just take a step with expansion in your thought.  You will be led to a higher vibration for you to experience.

You always have the ability to expand and grow within.

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Start saying no to things that aren’t absolutely essential to your life and that don’t bring you any joy.

Start saying yes to things that give you joy and that give you forward momentum.

When you start saying yes to joy, you will see that life will begin to change and take you to experiences of joy and appreciation. Take life in the direction of what give you joy my friend.

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How can just three little words, please and thank you, make your life more positive? Whether we are saying ‘thank you’ or someone is saying ‘thank you’ to you, a thought and feeling vibration is being created.  Thank you creates a positive, uplifting, and appreciative vibration that radiates beyond your own self and it gives to the world and to your own thought and feeling. If you put it out there, it will come back to you in some way.

Just think what the words ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ can bring about on your life’s path. Say it with joy and really mean ‘thank you’ and ‘please.’  In other words, be conscious of what you are saying and feeling in those moments so that you can continue to remember to be kind, loving, and compassionate to yourself and to others.

It just takes a few words to create a higher vibration of thought and those few words can change life.

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You always have the next moment to change your day.  It is all up to you. If your day starts off negative, then you have the next moment to start again and create a positive vibration.

In order to have a positive feeling life experience, it takes practice and a change of perception in your moments. If you’re feeling positive, then keep that thought and vibration going, but if you are feeling negative, then that is the moment to stop, take a breath in, and in the exhale, visualize letting go of the negative feeling vibration you are experiencing.  Then in the next breath in, visualize positive energy coming into your mind, body, and spirit.  Hold on to that vibration and continue your day.

Keeping vigilant over your thoughts will bring about being conscious of where your thoughts go.  Take the direction that feels positive.

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You know all those past memories that you can’t let go of and they feel so very heavy around your neck like an anchor? Those memories you no longer need my friend.

If you have a past that just won’t stay in the past, you really do have a choice.  You can look at the past memory, glean what you can from the experience, and let go of any of the negative emotions that are attached to it.  All you need to bring forward into your present is the lessons you learned and the growth that came about. There is no need to have that anchor around your life dragging you down.

Forgive yourself, forgive others, and let the past go…

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