beth mccain 8898

Don’t let fear of the unknown keep you from success. If you want life to change for the better than you have to be ready to embrace change. There is no other way. Change is the only way life will change for the better. Don’t let fear of ‘what could be’ keep you from creating the life you envision. Sometimes we worry about how or when we’re going to get ‘there.’ Some will fear that maybe something will get in the way.  They don’t know what that something is but they fear that maybe their dreams won’t come true.

Isn’t it better to have loved than to never have loved? Isn’t it better to try your best and keep trying because maybe your dreams will come true? And don’t you think, instead of worrying about what might not happen, to dream about what could happen?

You don’t have to know every detail right now. All that you need to know is that as long as you keep a positive grateful state of mind, inner work through your thoughts and feelings to reflect the positive, then the rest will open up. The unknown can be exciting!